Entry information : PpaGrxS05
Entry ID 14000
Creation 2016-10-25 (Christophe Dunand)
Last sequence changes 2016-10-25 (Christophe Dunand)
Sequence status complete
Reviewer Not yet reviewed
Last annotation changes 2016-10-25 (Christophe Dunand)
Peroxidase information: PpaGrxS05
Name PpaGrxS05
Class CGFS Grx    [Orthogroup: GrxS003]
Taxonomy Eukaryota Viridiplantae Streptophyta Funariaceae Physcomitrella
Organism Physcomitrella patens    [TaxId: 3218 ]
Cellular localisation N/D
Tissue type N/D
Inducer N/D
Repressor N/D
Best BLASTp hits
Perox score E-value PpaGrxS05
S start..stop
MpalGrxS02 192 2.72e-64 9..116 88..195
MpGrxS02 191 7.44e-64 9..116 88..195
KflGrxS02 181 1.18e-60 9..116 31..138
PpaGrxS08 173 4.87e-58 10..98 1..89
Literature and cross-references PpaGrxS05
Protein sequence: PpaGrxS05
Sequence Properties
first value : protein
second value (mature protein)
Length (aa):   %s   116
PWM (Da):   %s   13095.38  
PI (pH):   %s   4.16
Send to BLAST
Send to Peroxiscan
*.........1 .........2 .........3 .........4 .........5 .........6 .........7 .........8 .........9 .........0 .........1 .........2


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