Tissue Type

Gene expression localisation (tissue types) list is based on the information found in the litterature together with the data available from the EST library conditions.
The list of the tissue types is not fixed and can evolve depending of the expression data found.


Number of peroxidases and oxido-reductases per Tissue type

Tissue type Nb
Anthers 27
Lung 25
Beans 8
Berries 26
Buds 57
Bulbs 33
Callus 205
Cell culture 98
Cotyledons 19
Crown gall 20
Ears 8
Flowers 254
Flower buds 205
Fronds 2
Germinated embryos 4
Glumes 6
Immature pods 9
Kernels 4
Leaves 600
Pannicles 37
Pollens 28
Roots 958
Seedlings 195
Seeds 145
Sheaths 8
Silks 20
Spikes 30
Stems 149
Storage roots 5
Radicles 16
Fruits 90
Stolons 28
Sprouting eyes 21
Petioles 24
Tubers 26
Shoots 90
Oviduct 2
Pistils 10
Endosperm 40
Embryosac 18
Embryos 72
Pericarps 33
Xylem 51
Apex 17
Floral meristems 39
Shoot meristems 44
Apical meristems 8
Apical shoots 5
Arbuscular mycorrhiza (inoculated root) 5
Roots nodules 25
Boll fibers (cotton) 24
Developing caryopsis 3
Developing female cones 1
Female inflorescence 4
Etiolated hypocotyls 19
Germinating shoots 11
Immature flowers 2
Shoot tips 4
Pods 32
Young plants 5
Flower scapes 3
Rachis 1
Seedling epicotyls 8
Somatic embryos 15
Plumules 3
Immature seed coats 4
Immature boll fibers 2
Infected roots 7
Inner barks 3
Coleoptiles 8
Mature flowers 6
Mature nodules 1
Meristems 38
Rhizomes 23
Mesophyll cells 6
Mycorrhizal roots 10
Pre-anthesis spikes 3
Root tips 28
Immature leaves 4
Male inflorescences 9
Leaves (fully expanded) 9
Barks 17
Seed pods 3
Stamens 3
Antheridias 4
Inflorescences 63
Spores 10
Stipules 4
Trichomes 17
Ovaries 69
Seed buds 3
Spikelets 2
Whole plant 92
Axillary buds 6
Phloem 12
Mycelium 88
Hyphae 6
Ripening pulp 1
Seed coats 14
Hypocotyls 37
Germinating seeds 28
Roots hairs 19
Seedling roots 20
Roots of 'Supernod' plants 17
Whole seedlings 28
Etiolated seedlings 40
Seedling cotyledons 1
Infected hypocotyls 0
Senescing leaves 3
Immature flower buds 5
Young leaves 20
Nodules 29
Zoospores 4
Cambium 12
Epicotyls 6
Seedling shoots 12
Wood 4
Rubber particles 2
Latex 1
Thyroid 3
Siliques 41
Green siliques 11
Thallus 53
Protoplasts 6
carpel 1
caryopsis 1
Leaf epidermis 13
strobili (cone) 15
Reproductive organs 42
Microsporophylls 6
Rosettes 22
Mixed tissues 185
Vegetative tissues 6
Glandular trichome 11
secondary wall 0
Ovule 31
Male genital 6
N/D 13774
Brain 53
Hemocyte 2
Testis 28
Trigeminal nerve 1
Eye 24
Cornea 1
Liver 31
Needles 10
Vascular tissue 10
Cartilage 5
Kidney 26
Intestine 9
Stomach 4
Pancreas 11
Endocrine glands 2
Adipose tissue 23
Hypothalamus 1
Female genital 2
Petals 7
Protonema 16
Lacrimal gland 1
Macrophage/monocyte 2
Salivary gland 6
Light organ 1
Ink sac (ink gland) 1
Whole animal 28
Uterus 7
Gamete 3
Follicle 1
Muscle 17
Spleen 14
Bursa 2
Peyer's patches 1
Sporophyte 10
Skin 15
Lymph node 3
Endometrium 1
Conceptus 4
Conidia 10
Adult animal 4
Abomasum 6
Head 11
Heart 22
Gastrointestinal tract 5
Placenta 9
Aorta 2
Thymus 3
Blood 10
Bone 7
Fin 3
Olfactory rosettes 5
Gills 6
Mammary gland 8
Adrenal gland 1
Pituitary gland 3
Duodenum 2
Larva 4
Synovium 2
Vibrissae 1
Dorsal root ganglion 2
Embryonic tissue 17
Intestinal smooth muscle 1
Immature seeds 6
Unfertilised eggs 1
Tadpole 3
Maxilla 2
Malpighian tubules 1
Tongue 1
Bone marrow 3
Prostate 1
Silk gland 3
Pedicel 4
Vegetative mycelia 4
Digestive 9
Limb 2
Fat body 7
Genitourinary 17
Appressorium 7
Epidermis 3
Pheromone gland 1
Cones 2
Sporophyll 9
Germinated spores 1
Hindgut 1
Germinating teliospore 2
Gametophore 6
Chloronemata 3
Pericycle cells (roots) 3
Aleurone 1
immature pod walls 1
Sporocarp (fruiting body) 8
Prothallia 8
chondrosarcoma 1
Mesocarp 2
Styles 1
Roots endodermis 1
Endoderm 3
Protoxylem 0
Globular embryos 2
Root apex 1
Micropylar endosperm 1
Nectaries 1
Stamen Abscission Zone 11
Laticifer 1
Filament 1
Conjugating filament 0
zood 0
All tissues 9
Mature Fruits 0
Green Fruits 1