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Organism: common (english) names are not always defined, so prefer latin name
PEP Genomic CDS cDNA
Id Name Taxo Orga Class Status Author Action A  I  N
Id Name Taxonomic group Organism Class Sequence status Author Action Select
2507 AacAPx01   Chlorophyta (green algae) Acetabularia acetabulum Ascorbate peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
2509 AacAPx03   Chlorophyta (green algae) Acetabularia acetabulum Ascorbate peroxidase partial Nenad Bakalovic
4784 AactPrxGrx   Gammaproteobacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans PrxII-glutoredoxin fusion complete Nicolas Rouhier
11714 AacuCcP01   Ascomycota Aspergillus aculeatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11715 AacuCcP02   Ascomycota Aspergillus aculeatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10110 AacuCP   Ascomycota Aspergillus aculeatus Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10124 AacuDyPrx   Ascomycota Aspergillus aculeatus DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
10062 AacuGPx01   Ascomycota Aspergillus aculeatus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Passaia Gisèle
10821 AacuGPx02   Ascomycota Aspergillus aculeatus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4433 Aae1CysPrx (PrxVI)  Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Filippo Passardi
5304 AaeDuOx01   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Dual oxidase complete Marcel Zamocky
5634 AaeGPx01 (GPx)  Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Insect glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5632 AaeGPx02-A   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Insect glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5631 AaeGPx02-B   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Insect glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5633 AaeGPx02-C   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Insect glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5267 AaeKat01   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
5283 AaeKat02   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
5036 AaeoDiHCcP (cpx)  Other Bacteria Aquifex aeolicus Di-haem cytochrome C peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
4460 AaePrxV   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type V) complete Nicolas Rouhier
3368 AaePxd   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Peroxidasin complete Christophe Dunand
3555 AaePxt02   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Achraf Jemmat
4120 AaePxt03_Liverpool   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Christophe Dunand
4119 AaePxt03_Rockfella   Ecdysozoa Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Christophe Dunand
13279 AagAPx01 (BSNI-2049323 / TWUW-2048726)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Ascorbate peroxidase partial Bruno Savelli
16717 AagPrx01 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000083l.180)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16702 AagPrx02 (AntagrBONN_evm.model.Sc2ySwM_117.1141)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16712 AagPrx03 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000083l.178)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16710 AagPrx04 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000018l.596)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16720 AagPrx05 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000002l.316)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16701 AagPrx06 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000002l.328 / AntagrBONN_evm.model.Sc2ySwM_117.1794)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16689 AagPrx07 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000002l.327 / AntagrBONN_evm.model.Sc2ySwM_117.1795)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16674 AagPrx08 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000056l.60)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16719 AagPrx09 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000012l.417)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16715 AagPrx10 (AntagrBONN_evm.model.Sc2ySwM_117.1788)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16723 AagPrx11 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000003l.151)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16699 AagPrx12 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000006l.1200)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16722 AagPrx13 (AntagrOXF_evm.model.utg000038l.116)  Bryophytes Anthoceros agrestis Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10717 AalcAPx-CcP   Ascomycota Acremonium alcalophilum Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10715 AalcCcP01   Ascomycota Acremonium alcalophilum Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10547 AalcCIIAA   Ascomycota Acremonium alcalophilum Asco Class II type A complete Christophe Dunand
10716 AalcCP01   Ascomycota Acremonium alcalophilum Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10061 AalcGPx01   Ascomycota Acremonium alcalophilum Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10718 AalcLDS01   Ascomycota Acremonium alcalophilum Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
10719 AalcLDS02   Ascomycota Acremonium alcalophilum Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
13073 AalpPrx09 (AALP_AA7G239300)  Eudicotyledons Arabis alpina Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13188 AalpPrx17   Eudicotyledons Arabis alpina Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13075 AalpPrx25 (AALP_AA4G198700)  Eudicotyledons Arabis alpina Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13076 AalpPrx36 (AALP_AA5G133200 / peroxidase72)  Eudicotyledons Arabis alpina Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
9639 AalpPrx62   Eudicotyledons Arabis alpina Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4104 AalPxt01   Ecdysozoa Anopheles albimanus Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Marcel Zamocky
13280 AaltAPx02 (QICX-2005530 / QICX-2005529 / QICX-2005528)  Eudicotyledons Ailanthus altissima Ascorbate peroxidase family partial Bruno Savelli
15336 AalteAPx-CcP01   Ascomycota Alternaria alternata Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
15337 AalteCcP01   Ascomycota Alternaria alternata Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Bruno Savelli
15339 AalteCIIAA01   Ascomycota Alternaria alternata Asco Class II type A complete Christophe Dunand
15341 AalteCIIAB01   Ascomycota Alternaria alternata Asco Class II type B complete Christophe Dunand
15342 AalteCIIAB02   Ascomycota Alternaria alternata Asco Class II type B complete Christophe Dunand
15338 AalteCIIAC02   Ascomycota Alternaria alternata Asco Class II type C complete Christophe Dunand
15340 AalteCP01   Ascomycota Alternaria alternata Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13284 AandAPx01 (YFQX-2006782 / UFQC-2004775 / JCLQ-2002149))  Eudicotyledons Apocynum androsaemifolium Ascorbate peroxidase family complete Bruno Savelli
13282 Aang01 (ZTHV-2078811)  Bryophytes Atrichum angustatum Ascorbate peroxidase family partial Bruno Savelli
13283 AangAPx02 (ZTHV-2082086)  Bryophytes Atrichum angustatum Ascorbate peroxidase family complete Bruno Savelli
13281 AangAPx03 (ZTHV-2005115 / ZTHV-2005116)  Bryophytes Atrichum angustatum Ascorbate peroxidase family complete Bruno Savelli
185 AanPrx01 (APOD1)  Eudicotyledons Artemisia annua Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3388 AapCcP01   Ascomycota Ascosphaera apis Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3389 AapCcP02   Ascomycota Ascosphaera apis Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12472 AapGPx01   Ascomycota Ascosphaera apis Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
2843 AaPrx06   Monocotyledons Acorus americanus Class III peroxidase partial Achraf Jemmat
15457 AaPxc01   Monocotyledons Acorus americanus Bacterial peroxicin N/D Bruno Redactor
3884 AarMnP01   Basidiomycota Amylostereum areolatum Manganese peroxidase partial Filippo Passardi
6028 AauAhpE   Actinobacteria Arthrobacter aurescens AhpE like peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
4712 AauCMDn (pcaC)  Actinobacteria Arthrobacter aurescens Carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase (no peroxidase activity) complete Christophe Dunand
5496 AauMnCat   Actinobacteria Arthrobacter aurescens Manganese Catalase complete Dominique Koua
7334 AavaCP01 (AavKatG2)  Betaproteobacteria Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae Catalase peroxidase complete Marcel Zamocky
5384 AavCP01   Betaproteobacteria Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli Catalase peroxidase complete Marcel Zamocky
7587 Ab1CysPrx_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
7588 Ab2CysPrx_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
4873 AbaAhpC   Gammaproteobacteria Alteromonadales bacterium TW-7 AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
4636 AbacAhpD   Other Bacteria Acidobacteria bacterium Ellin345 Alkylhydroperoxidase D complete Filippo Passardi
4763 AbacCMD (Acid345_0411)  Other Bacteria Acidobacteria bacterium Ellin345 Carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase (peroxidase activity) complete Filippo Passardi
6163 AbacMnCat   Other Bacteria Acidobacteria bacterium Ellin345 Manganese Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
4806 AbaPrxGrx   Gammaproteobacteria Alteromonadales bacterium TW-7 PrxII-glutoredoxin fusion complete Nicolas Rouhier
7607 AbAPx-CcP01_bisporus (AbHyBpox1)  Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Bruno Savelli
7608 AbAPx-CcP02_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4923 AbauAhpC   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter baumannii AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
5654 AbauGPx   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter baumannii Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
6281 AbauKat01 (katE)  Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter baumannii Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
6283 AbauKat02   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter baumannii Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
7589 AbCcP_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12427 AbenAPx-CcP01   Ascomycota Arthroderma benhamiae Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12428 AbenCcP01   Ascomycota Arthroderma benhamiae Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
12429 AbenCcP02   Ascomycota Arthroderma benhamiae Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12426 AbenGPx01   Ascomycota Arthroderma benhamiae Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
7594 AbGPx_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4224 AbHalPrx01_bisporus (AbHTPx1)  Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Christophe Dunand
7602 AbHalPrx02_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Christophe Dunand
7595 AbHalPrx03_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Christophe Dunand
7596 AbHalPrx04_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Christophe Dunand
10810 AbHalPrx05_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Christophe Dunand
7590 AbKat01_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
7591 AbKat02_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
7592 AbKat03_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
7597 AbLDS01_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
10657 AbLDS01_burnettii   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
7598 AbLDS02_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
10658 AbLDS02_burnettii   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
7599 AbNOx01_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Ancestral NADPH oxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7600 AbNOx02_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Ancestral NADPH oxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4849 AboAhpC   Gammaproteobacteria Alcanivorax borkumensis AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
4989 AboDiHPOX (ccpR)  Gammaproteobacteria Alcanivorax borkumensis Other di-haem peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
4815 AboPrxGrx   Gammaproteobacteria Alcanivorax borkumensis PrxII-glutoredoxin fusion complete Nicolas Rouhier
7606 AbPrxII_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7601 AbPrxQ_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type Q) complete Christophe Dunand
11676 AbPrxV   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type V) complete Christophe Dunand
10588 AbraAPx-CcP   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10587 AbraCcP   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
6811 AbraCIIAA   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola Asco Class II type A complete Christophe Dunand
6829 AbraCIIAB01   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola Asco Class II type B complete Christophe Dunand
6828 AbraCIIAB03   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola Asco Class II type B complete Christophe Dunand
6827 AbraCIIAC02   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola Asco Class II type C complete Christophe Dunand
8379 AbraCP01   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola Catalase peroxidase partial Catherine Mathe (Scipio)
8465 AbraGPx01   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4860 AbrAhpC   Alphaproteobacteria Azospirillum brasilense AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
10745 AbraPGHS   Ascomycota Alternaria brassicicola H synthase complete Christophe Dunand
7593 AbVP01_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Versatile peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
2402 AbVP02_bisporus   Basidiomycota Agaricus bisporus Versatile peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
2546 AcaAPx-CcP01   Dinophyceae (dinoflagellates) Amphidinium carterae Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
8361 AcaAPx-CcP02   Dinophyceae (dinoflagellates) Amphidinium carterae Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
4431 Acal1CysPrx   Lophotrocozoa Aplysia californica 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
3373 AcalPxd (AcaTPO)  Lophotrocozoa Aplysia californica Peroxidasin partial Christophe Dunand
6329 AcapCcP01_G186AR   Ascomycota Ajellomyces capsulatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3392 AcapCcP01_NAm1   Ascomycota Ajellomyces capsulatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3403 AcapCcP02   Ascomycota Ajellomyces capsulatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10755 AcapGPx01   Ascomycota Ajellomyces capsulatus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5216 AcapKat01 (AcapKatA / CATA)  Ascomycota Ajellomyces capsulatus Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
5396 AcapLDS   Ascomycota Ajellomyces capsulatus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
5397 AcapLDS03   Ascomycota Ajellomyces capsulatus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
11717 AcarCcP01   Ascomycota Aspergillus carbonarius Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11716 AcarCcP02   Ascomycota Aspergillus carbonarius Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11718 AcarCIIAA01   Ascomycota Aspergillus carbonarius Asco Class II type A complete Christophe Dunand
10109 AcarCP   Ascomycota Aspergillus carbonarius Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10131 AcarDyPrx01   Ascomycota Aspergillus carbonarius DyP-type peroxidase B complete Christophe Dunand
10130 AcarDyPrx02   Ascomycota Aspergillus carbonarius DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
10067 AcarGPx01   Ascomycota Aspergillus carbonarius Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
2951 AcasGPx01   Acanthamoebidae Acanthamoeba castellanii Other glutathione peroxidase partial Felipe Teixeira
3843 AchMnP01   Basidiomycota Amylostereum chailletii Manganese peroxidase partial Filippo Passardi
4836 ACIspAhpC   Betaproteobacteria Acidovorax sp. AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
4963 Acl1CysPrx   Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
3383 AclCcP01   Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3393 AclCcP02   Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3409 AclCP01   Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10126 AclDyPrx02   Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
5594 AclGPx   Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5211 AclKat01 (AclKatA / Catalase A)  Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
7290 AclKat03 (ACLA_077960)  Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
5288 AclLDS01 (PpoA)  Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
5300 AclLDS02   Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
5299 AclLDS03   Ascomycota Aspergillus clavatus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
6248 ACmaCP01 (ACmaKatG1)  Cyanobacteria Acaryochloris marina Catalase peroxidase complete Marcel Zamocky
7242 ACmaCyOx   Cyanobacteria Acaryochloris marina Cyclooxygenase complete Marcel Zamocky
6785 ACmaDyPrx   Cyanobacteria Acaryochloris marina DyP-type peroxidase C complete Christophe Dunand
7252 ACmaKatLox1   Cyanobacteria Acaryochloris marina Catalase-lipoxygenase fusion complete Marcel Zamocky
6098 ACmaNOx05   Cyanobacteria Acaryochloris marina NADPH oxidase V complete Christophe Dunand
6335 ACmaPxDo-rel   Cyanobacteria Acaryochloris marina Short peroxidockerin complete Marcel Zamocky
8448 AcoAPx-R (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008273m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Ascorbate peroxidase related complete Christophe Dunand
8459 AcoAPx01 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.005584m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Ascorbate peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8466 AcoAPx02 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.009479m-test)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8571 AcoPrx01 ( AcoGoldSmith_v1.004682m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8572 AcoPrx03 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.006018m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8570 AcoPrx05 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.006987m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8450 AcoPrx06 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.006997m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Bruno Savelli
8451 AcoPrx07 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007025m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8573 AcoPrx09 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007176m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8574 AcoPrx10 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007568m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8452 AcoPrx100 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.027646m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
9968 AcoPrx101   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
9969 AcoPrx102   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
9970 AcoPrx103   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
9973 AcoPrx106   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8575 AcoPrx11 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007591m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
9994 AcoPrx110   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
9998 AcoPrx115 (Aqcoe5G071400 [3.1])  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
9955 AcoPrx116   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
9999 AcoPrx117   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
8576 AcoPrx12 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007614m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8577 AcoPrx13 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007617m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8578 AcoPrx14 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007746m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8454 AcoPrx15 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007797m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8579 AcoPrx16 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007908m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8580 AcoPrx17 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.007924m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8581 AcoPrx18 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008147m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8453 AcoPrx19 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008155m / Aquca_010_00140)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8582 AcoPrx20 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008199m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8455 AcoPrx21 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008203m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Bruno Savelli
8583 AcoPrx22 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008216m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8449 AcoPrx23 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008240m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Bruno Savelli
8456 AcoPrx26 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008320m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8584 AcoPrx27 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008340m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8585 AcoPrx28 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008374m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8586 AcoPrx29 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008383m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8587 AcoPrx30 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008403m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8588 AcoPrx31 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008411m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8589 AcoPrx32 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008417m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8590 AcoPrx33 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008421m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8591 AcoPrx34 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008431m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8592 AcoPrx35 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008452m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8593 AcoPrx36 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008469m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8594 AcoPrx37 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008488m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8595 AcoPrx38 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008513m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8596 AcoPrx39 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008543m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8597 AcoPrx40 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008560m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8598 AcoPrx42 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008609m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8599 AcoPrx43 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.008729m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8600 AcoPrx46 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.010000m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8601 AcoPrx51 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.013017m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8602 AcoPrx52 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.013292m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8604 AcoPrx54 ( Aqcoe5G373900 [3.0]/ AcoGoldSmith_v1.013585m [1.0])  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8605 AcoPrx55 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.013672m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8606 AcoPrx56 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.013945m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8607 AcoPrx57 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.015186m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
8608 AcoPrx60 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.016029m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8609 AcoPrx61 ( AcoGoldSmith_v1.016391m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8610 AcoPrx62 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.016792m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8611 AcoPrx63 ( AcoGoldSmith_v1.016982m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
8612 AcoPrx64 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.018037m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8613 AcoPrx65 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.018190m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8615 AcoPrx67 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.018457m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8616 AcoPrx68 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.018749m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8617 AcoPrx69 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.019185m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8618 AcoPrx70 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.019491m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
8619 AcoPrx72 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.020115m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8620 AcoPrx73 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.020558m[1.0] / Aquca_030_00303[1.1])  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8621 AcoPrx74 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.021226m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8622 AcoPrx75 ( AcoGoldSmith_v1.021494m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Achraf Jemmat
8623 AcoPrx76 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.021830m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
8624 AcoPrx77 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.021950m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8625 AcoPrx79 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.022187m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
8627 AcoPrx82 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.023022m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
8628 AcoPrx83 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.023391m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8629 AcoPrx84 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.023412m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8630 AcoPrx85 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.024352m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8631 AcoPrx86 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.024499m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8632 AcoPrx87 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.024753m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
8633 AcoPrx89 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.024922m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8634 AcoPrx90 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.025125m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8635 AcoPrx91 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.025161m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8636 AcoPrx92 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.025257m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8637 AcoPrx93 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.025382m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8638 AcoPrx94 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.025566m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase partial Qiang Li
8639 AcoPrx95 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.025965m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
8641 AcoPrx97 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.026800m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase complete Qiang Li
9972 AcoPrx[P]105   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
9956 AcoPrx[P]108   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
9982 AcoPrx[P]111   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
9983 AcoPrx[P]112   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
9990 AcoPrx[P]113   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
9991 AcoPrx[P]114   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
9995 AcoPrx[P]116   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
8643 AcoPrx[P]59 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.015999m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
8644 AcoPrx[P]71 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.019854m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
8645 AcoPrx[P]78 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.021992m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
8646 AcoPrx[P]81 (AcoGoldSmith_v1.022906m)  Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
9967 AcoPrx[P]98   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia coerulea Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
4862 ACraAhpC (alnB )  Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter radioresistens AhpC like peroxiredoxin partial Filippo Passardi
3597 AcrCP01_JF-5   Alphaproteobacteria Acidiphilium cryptum Catalase peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
4726 AcrDCMDn (Acry_3411)  Alphaproteobacteria Acidiphilium cryptum Double CMD (no peroxidase activity) complete Filippo Passardi
5009 AcrDiHCcP (Acry_2827)  Alphaproteobacteria Acidiphilium cryptum Di-haem cytochrome C peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
4700 ACsp1CysPrx   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter sp. 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
4703 ACspAhpC01   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter sp. AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
4861 ACspAhpC02   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter sp. AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
4540 ACspBCP   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter sp. Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type BCP) complete Filippo Passardi
4701 ACspDyPrx   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter sp. DyP-type peroxidase B complete Christophe Dunand
4705 ACspGPx01 (gpo)  Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter sp. Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4702 ACspGPx02   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter sp. Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4704 ACspKat01   Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter sp. Catalase complete Achraf Jemmat
6965 Acv2CysPrx   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
6978 AcvAPx-R   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Ascorbate peroxidase related partial Christophe Dunand
6959 AcvAPx01   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
6961 AcvAPx02   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Ascorbate peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
6974 AcvAPx04   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Ascorbate peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
6976 AcvAPx05   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Ascorbate peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
6977 AcvAPx06   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Ascorbate peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
6975 AcvGPx02   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Plant glutathione peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
6972 AcvGPx03   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Plant glutathione peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
6973 AcvGPx06-1   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Plant glutathione peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
6971 AcvGPx06-2   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
6967 AcvKat01   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Catalase partial Christophe Dunand
6966 AcvKat02   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
6969 AcvPrxII03 (AcvPrxIIC)  Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
6968 AcvPrxII05 (AcvPrxIIE)  Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
6970 AcvPrxQ   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type Q) partial Christophe Dunand
6979 AcvRboh01   Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris Respiratory burst oxidase homolog partial Christophe Dunand
7167 ACxKat05 (ACxKatE)  Betaproteobacteria Achromobacter xylosoxidans Catalase partial Marcel Zamocky
8404 ACxMnCat01   Betaproteobacteria Achromobacter xylosoxidans Manganese Catalase complete Bruno Savelli
4611 AdAhpD   Deltaproteobacteria Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans Alkylhydroperoxidase D complete Filippo Passardi
4748 AdAlkyPrxn   Deltaproteobacteria Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans Other alkylhydroperoxidase (no peroxidase activity) complete Filippo Passardi
10672 AdelAPx-CcP   Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10664 AdelCcP01 (CCP1)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
9713 AdelCIIBA01 (MnP2-atypical)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9707 AdelCIIBA02 (GP2)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9708 AdelCIIBA03 (GP3)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9714 AdelCIIBA04 (GP4)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9716 AdelCIIBA05 (GP5)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9717 AdelCIIBA06 (GP6)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9718 AdelCIIBA07 (GP7)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9715 AdelCIIBA08 (GP8)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9711 AdelCIIBA09 (GP9)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Catherine Mathe
9709 AdelCIIBA10 (GP10)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9705 AdelCIIBA11 (GP11)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9833 AdelCIIBA12   Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9710 AdelCIIBA13 (MnP3-atypical)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand (Scipio)
9706 AdelCIIBA14 (MnP4-atypical)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9703 AdelCIIBA15 (MnP5-atypical)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9712 AdelCIIBA16 (MnP6-atypical)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9704 AdelCIIBA17 (GP1)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A complete Christophe Dunand
9719 AdelCIIBA[P]18   Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type A theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
9720 AdelCIIBB[P]18   Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Other class II peroxidase type B theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
9900 AdelDyPrx01 (DyP1)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9903 AdelDyPrx02 (DyP2)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9901 AdelDyPrx03 (DyP3)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9910 AdelDyPrx04 (DyP4)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9905 AdelDyPrx05 (DyP5)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9908 AdelDyPrx06 (DyP6)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9902 AdelDyPrx07 (DyP7)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9909 AdelDyPrx08 (DyP8)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9904 AdelDyPrx09 (DyP9)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9907 AdelDyPrx10 (DyP10)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9906 AdelDyPrx11 (DyP11)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
9911 AdelGPx   Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11355 AdelHalPrx01 (AdelTPx1)  Basidiomycota Auricularia delicata Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Marcel Zamocky
12422 AderCcP01   Ascomycota Ajellomyces dermatitidis Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
12423 AderCcP02   Ascomycota Ajellomyces dermatitidis Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
12424 AderCcP03   Ascomycota Ajellomyces dermatitidis Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
12421 AderGPx01   Ascomycota Ajellomyces dermatitidis Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
16301 AdurRboh01 (aradu.Aradu.73C42.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis duranensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16303 AdurRboh03 (aradu.Aradu.FB2F2.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis duranensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16304 AdurRboh04 (aradu.Aradu.J2RZP.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis duranensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16306 AdurRboh06 (aradu.Aradu.JTK38.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis duranensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16307 AdurRboh07 (aradu.Aradu.QX29C.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis duranensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16308 AdurRboh08 (aradu.Aradu.TQ7E6.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis duranensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
3628 AeCP01_MLHE-1   Gammaproteobacteria Alkalilimnicola ehrlichei Catalase peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
10036 AecPxd01   Ecdysozoa Acromyrmex echinatior Peroxidasin complete Marcel Zamocky
5045 AeDiHCcP (Mlg_2854)  Gammaproteobacteria Alkalilimnicola ehrlichei Di-haem cytochrome C peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
4826 AePrxGrx   Gammaproteobacteria Alkalilimnicola ehrlichei PrxII-glutoredoxin fusion complete Nicolas Rouhier
11628 Aeu1CysPrx01_Ae201684 (g1104.t1 / Ae201684_1104.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
11633 Aeu1CysPrx02_201684 (g3481.t1 / Ae201684_3481.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Catherine Mathe
6336 Aeu2CysPrx01_201684 (g2567.t1 / Ae201684_2567.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
11632 Aeu2CysPrx02_201684 (g2529.t1 / Ae201684_2529.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Catherine Mathe
11631 Aeu2CysPrx03-1_201684 (g15030.t1 / Ae201684_15030.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Catherine Mathe
11630 Aeu2CysPrx03-2_201684 (g15031.t1 / Ae201684_15031.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Catherine Mathe
11644 Aeu2CysPrx03-3_201684 (g15032.t1 / Ae201684_15032.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Catherine Mathe
11645 Aeu2CysPrx03-4_201684 (g15033.t1 / Ae201684_15033.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Catherine Mathe
6375 AeuCcP01_201684 ( g2282.t1 / Ae201684_2282.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
6376 AeuCcP02_201684 ( g2283.t1 / Ae201684_2283.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
6337 AeuGPx01_201684 (g9690.t1 / Ae201684_9690.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Other glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
966 AeuGPx02_201684 (g9691.t1 / Ae201684_9691.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Other glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12855 AeuGPx03_201684 ( g2077.t1 / Ae201684_2077.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Other glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12856 AeuGPx04_201684 (g4304.t1 / Ae201684_4304.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Other glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12857 AeuGPx05_201684 ( Ae201684_11154.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Other glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11635 AeuHalPrx01_201684 (g15565.t1 / Ae201684_15565.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Catherine Mathe
11636 AeuKat01-1_201684 ( g109.t1 / Ae201684_109.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Catalase complete Catherine Mathe
11637 AeuKat01-2_201684 ( g110.t1 / Ae201684_110.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
6377 AeuKat02_Ae201684 (g9195.t1 / Ae201684_9195.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Catalase complete Catherine Mathe
11642 AeuPGHS01_201684 (g17742.t1 / Ae201684_17742.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches H synthase complete Catherine Mathe
11643 AeuPGHS02_201684 ( g17755.t1 / Ae201684_17755.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches H synthase complete Christophe Dunand
12852 AeuPrxII01_201684 ( Ae201684_6487.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
12853 AeuPrxII02-1_201684 (Ae201684_6462.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Catherine Mathe
12854 AeuPrxII02-2_201684 (Ae201684_6461.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Catherine Mathe
11634 AeuPrxQ01_201684 (g4243.t1 / Ae201684_4243.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type Q) complete Christophe Dunand
2742 AeuRboh01_201684 (Ae201684_9413.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Catherine Mathe
12900 AeuRboh02_Ae201684 (Ae201684_13024.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Catherine Mathe
12901 AeuRboh03_Ae201684 (Ae201684_16673.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Catherine Mathe
12902 AeuRboh04_Ae201684 (Ae201684_12933.1)  Other Stramenopiles Aphanomyces euteiches Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Catherine Mathe
1858 AfCP01 (ArchfulCP / perA)  Euryarchaeota Archaeoglobus fulgidus Catalase peroxidase complete Marcel Zamocky
3888 AfeMnP01   Basidiomycota Amylostereum ferreum Manganese peroxidase partial Filippo Passardi
16514 AfiliAPx-R01 (Azofil_Azfi_s0051.g031376)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Ascorbate peroxidase related complete Christophe Dunand
16509 AfiliAPx01 (Azofil_Azfi_s0064.g035593)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16510 AfiliAPx02 (Azofil_Azfi_s0068.g036371)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16511 AfiliAPx03 (Azofil_Azfi_s0075.g037549)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16512 AfiliAPx04 (Azofil_Azfi_s0933.g093084/Azofil_Azfi_s0003.g007480)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16554 AfiliPrx01 (Azofil_Azfi_s0144.g051634)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16555 AfiliPrx02 (Azofil_Azfi_s0027.g023485)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16556 AfiliPrx03 (Azofil_Azfi_s0027.g023482)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16557 AfiliPrx04 (Azofil_Azfi_s0129.g048993)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16558 AfiliPrx05 (Azofil_Azfi_s0003.g008026)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16559 AfiliPrx06 (Azofil_Azfi_s0177.g056133)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16560 AfiliPrx07 (Azofil_Azfi_s0092.g042975)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16561 AfiliPrx08 (Azofil_Azfi_s0104.g044821)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16562 AfiliPrx09 (Azofil_Azfi_s0001.g000845)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16563 AfiliPrx10 (Azofil_Azfi_s0008.g011330)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16515 AfiliPrx12 (Azofil_Azfi_s0076.g037944/ Azofil_Azfi_s0074.g037539)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16564 AfiliPrx13 (Azofil_Azfi_s0263.g060867)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16565 AfiliPrx14 (Azofil_Azfi_s0005.g008905)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16566 AfiliPrx15 (Azofil_Azfi_s0078.g038246)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16567 AfiliPrx16 (Azofil_Azfi_s0065.g035959)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16568 AfiliPrx17 (Azofil_Azfi_s0304.g063870)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16569 AfiliPrx18 (Azofil_Azfi_s0008.g011264)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16570 AfiliPrx19 (Azofil_Azfi_s0173.g055779)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16571 AfiliPrx20 (Azofil_Azfi_s0173.g055782)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16573 AfiliPrx22 (Azofil_Azfi_s0304.g063877)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16574 AfiliPrx23 (Azofil_Azfi_s1162.g098549/ Azofil_Azfi_s0270.g061151 / Azofil_Azfi_s0270.g061153)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16575 AfiliPrx24 (Azofil_Azfi_s0024.g020503 /Azofil_Azfi_s0406.g068394)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16576 AfiliPrx25 (Azofil_Azfi_s0091.g042885)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16577 AfiliPrx26 (Azofil_Azfi_s0064.g035690)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16578 AfiliPrx27 (Azofil_Azfi_s0074.g037528)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16579 AfiliPrx28 (Azofil_Azfi_s0002.g001105)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16580 AfiliPrx29 (Azofil_Azfi_s0064.g035607)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16581 AfiliPrx30 (Azofil_Azfi_s0006.g010140)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16583 AfiliPrx32 (Azofil_Azfi_s0045.g030017)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16586 AfiliPrx35 (Azofil_Azfi_s0391.g067741)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16587 AfiliPrx36 (Azofil_Azfi_s0316.g064328)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16582 AfiliPrx[P]31 (Azofil_Azfi_s0177.g056137)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
16589 AfiliPrx[P]38 (Azofil_Azfi_s0316.g064323)  Fern Azolla filiculoides Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
7325 AflaCP01 (AflaKatG / Aflv_1200)  Firmicutes Anoxybacillus flavithermus Catalase peroxidase complete Marcel Zamocky
3385 AflCcP01   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3386 AflCcP02   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3394 AflCP01   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
10132 AflDyPrx01   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus DyP-type peroxidase B complete Christophe Dunand
10128 AflDyPrx02   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
5865 AflDyPrx03   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
8447 AflGPx01   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Marcia Pinheiro Margis
5385 AflLDS02   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
5381 AflLDS03   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
5382 AflLDS04   Ascomycota Aspergillus flavus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
16513 AfoAPx02 (Azofil_Azfi_s0003.g007480)  Bryophytes Anthoceros formosae (A. angustus) Ascorbate peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
16516 AfoAPx08 (Antang_2001239 / Antang_2001238)  Bryophytes Anthoceros formosae (A. angustus) Ascorbate peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
3277 AfpAPx02   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia formosa x Aquilegia pubescens Ascorbate peroxidase complete Felipe Teixeira
3278 AfpAPx03   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia formosa x Aquilegia pubescens Ascorbate peroxidase complete Felipe Teixeira
3280 AfpAPx04   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia formosa x Aquilegia pubescens Ascorbate peroxidase partial Felipe Teixeira
3279 AfpAPx05   Eudicotyledons Aquilegia formosa x Aquilegia pubescens Ascorbate peroxidase complete Felipe Teixeira
4438 Afum1CysPrx   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
2339 AfumCcP01   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nenad Bakalovic
2363 AfumCcP02 (ccp1)  Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nenad Bakalovic
4652 AfumCMDn01   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase (no peroxidase activity) complete Filippo Passardi
4654 AfumCMDn02   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase (no peroxidase activity) complete Filippo Passardi
1881 AfumCP01 (AspefumCP / KatG / CAT2)  Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5102 AfumDyPrx03   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus DyP-type peroxidase D complete Christophe Dunand
5582 AfumGPx ( Hyr1)  Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4226 AfumHalPrx01   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Filippo Passardi
4231 AfumHalPrx02   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Filippo Passardi
4240 AfumHalPrx03   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Haloperoxidase (haem) complete Filippo Passardi
5205 AfumKat01 (AfumKatA / catA)  Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
5289 AfumLDS01 (PpoA)  Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
5292 AfumLDS02   Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
5291 AfumLDS03 (PpoC)  Ascomycota Aspergillus fumigatus Linoleate diol synthase (PGHS like) complete Christophe Dunand
4939 Aga1CysPrx (PrxVI / TPX5)  Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
5412 AgaCP01   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Catalase peroxidase partial Marcel Zamocky
5630 AgaGPx02-A (GPX2 / GPX2-a)  Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Insect glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5595 AgaGPx02-B (GPX2 / GPX2-b)  Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Insect glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5635 AgaGPx03 (GPX3)  Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Insect glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5269 AgaKat01 (cat)  Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
4464 AgaPrxV   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type V) partial Nicolas Rouhier
4043 AgaPxd01   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Peroxidasin complete Christophe Dunand
4151 AgaPxt01   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Marcel Zamocky
4152 AgaPxt02   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Invertebrate peroxinectin partial Marcel Zamocky
4153 AgaPxt03   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Invertebrate peroxinectin partial Marcel Zamocky
4155 AgaPxt04   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Christophe Dunand
4244 AgaPxt05   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Invertebrate peroxinectin partial Christophe Dunand
4259 AgaPxt06   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Marcel Zamocky
4260 AgaPxt07   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Marcel Zamocky
4261 AgaPxt08   Ecdysozoa Anopheles gambiae Invertebrate peroxinectin complete Marcel Zamocky
16272 AgluFRO01 (Alngl43685S29584)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Ferric reduction oxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16274 AgluFRO02 (Alngl424399S40951)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Ferric reduction oxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16273 AgluFRO03 (Alngl6711S34462)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Ferric reduction oxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16271 AgluFRO04 (Alngl6711S34463)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Ferric reduction oxidase complete Christophe Dunand
16162 AgluRboh01 (Alngl3008S23430)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16263 AgluRboh04 (Alngl4634S04539)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16264 AgluRboh05 (Alnglu_Alngl14400S16381 5' / Alnglu_Alngl19762S19420 3')  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16267 AgluRboh08 (Alngl62704S33633)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Respiratory burst oxidase homolog partial Christophe Dunand
16268 AgluRboh09 (Alngl22501S08601)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Respiratory burst oxidase homolog theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
16270 AgluRboh11 (Alngl22501S39779)  Eudicotyledons Alnus glutinosa Respiratory burst oxidase homolog partial Christophe Dunand
4972 Ago1CysPrx   Ascomycota Ashbya gossypii (Eremothecium gossypii) 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
11038 Agod2CysPrx01 (g8881.t1)  Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
11039 AgodBCP (g5596.t1)  Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type BCP) complete Christophe Dunand
3830 AgodCcP   Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11170 AgodFRe01   Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Ferric Reductase complete Christophe Dunand
11171 AgodFRe02   Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Ferric Reductase complete Christophe Dunand
11172 AgodFRe03   Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Ferric Reductase complete Christophe Dunand
11173 AgodFRe04   Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Ferric Reductase complete Christophe Dunand
1156 AgodGPx01   Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3852 AgodGPx02   Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
9656 AgodKat01 (g8060.t1)  Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
3833 AgodKat02 (g8053.t1)  Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
11037 AgodKat03 (g10790.t1)  Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
11105 AgodKat04 (g11341.t1)  Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
11041 AgodNOx01 (g11305.t1)  Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Ancestral NADPH oxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11040 AgodPrxII01 (g9713.t1)  Jakobida Andalucia godoyi Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
5780 AgoGPx   Ascomycota Ashbya gossypii (Eremothecium gossypii) Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5263 AgoKat01   Ascomycota Ashbya gossypii (Eremothecium gossypii) Catalase complete Achraf Jemmat
11082 AgoPrxII (g6574.t1)  Ascomycota Ashbya gossypii (Eremothecium gossypii) Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
11616 AgyAPx-CcP01   Ascomycota Arthroderma gypseum Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Marcel Zamocky
12431 AgyCcP01   Ascomycota Arthroderma gypseum Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
12432 AgyCcP02   Ascomycota Arthroderma gypseum Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
12430 AgyGPx01   Ascomycota Arthroderma gypseum Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
15097 Ahal1CysPrx01 (Araha.8772s0004)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
14777 AhalAPx-R01 (Araha.12605s0007)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Ascorbate peroxidase related complete Christophe Dunand
14774 AhalAPx01 Araha.3642s0004  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Christophe Dunand
14775 AhalAPx02 Araha.22931s0002  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Christophe Dunand
14776 AhalAPx03 Araha.16649s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Christophe Dunand
14778 AhalAPx05 Araha.4910s0002  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Christophe Dunand
14779 AhalAPx06 Araha.24206s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Christophe Dunand
14780 AhalAPx07 Araha.12133s0006  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Christophe Dunand
14781 AhalAPx08 Araha.9836s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Christophe Dunand
14782 AhalPrx01 Araha.1084s0019  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14783 AhalPrx02 Araha.20974s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14784 AhalPrx03 (Araha.37317s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14785 AhalPrx04 Araha.25338s0003  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14786 AhalPrx05 Araha.1865s0007  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14787 AhalPrx06 Araha.2234s0006  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14788 AhalPrx07 Araha.5348s0016  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14789 AhalPrx08 (Araha.59848s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14790 AhalPrx09 Araha.6308s0004  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14791 AhalPrx10 Araha.3205s0022  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14792 AhalPrx11 Araha.0303s0019  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14793 AhalPrx12 Araha.3362s0036  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14794 AhalPrx13 Araha.2250s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14795 AhalPrx14 Araha.12162s0005  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14796 AhalPrx15 Araha.40049s0005  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14797 AhalPrx16 Araha.1261s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14798 AhalPrx17 Araha.44658s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14799 AhalPrx18 (Araha.25244s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14800 AhalPrx19 (Araha.70357s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14801 AhalPrx20 (Araha.15684s0005)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14802 AhalPrx21 (Araha.4285s0011)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14803 AhalPrx22 Araha.14772s0002  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14804 AhalPrx23 Araha.7254s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14805 AhalPrx24 (Araha.5406s0004)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
14806 AhalPrx25 Araha.6834s0004  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14807 AhalPrx26 (Araha.8952s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14808 AhalPrx27 Araha.14055s0005  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14809 AhalPrx28 (Araha.29501s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14810 AhalPrx29 Araha.13092s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14811 AhalPrx30 Araha.6840s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14812 AhalPrx31 (Araha.24955s0003)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14813 AhalPrx32 Araha.70628s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14814 AhalPrx33 Araha.2549s0014  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14815 AhalPrx34 Araha.2368s0002  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14816 AhalPrx35 (Araha.12227s0003)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14817 AhalPrx36 Araha.1420s0012  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14818 AhalPrx37 Araha.14055s0006  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14819 AhalPrx38 Araha.8952s0002  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14820 AhalPrx39 Araha.14772s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14821 AhalPrx40 Araha.23460s0005  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14822 AhalPrx41 Araha.0323s0007  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14823 AhalPrx42 Araha.4285s0014  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14824 AhalPrx43 (Araha.35528s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14825 AhalPrx44 Araha.2611s0005  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14826 AhalPrx45 Araha.23368s0022  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14827 AhalPrx46 Araha.4507s0020  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14828 AhalPrx47 (Araha.4625s0002)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14829 AhalPrx48 Araha.18545s0005  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14830 AhalPrx49 Araha.12666s0022  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14831 AhalPrx50 Araha.0323s0008  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14832 AhalPrx51 Araha.53007s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14833 AhalPrx52 (Araha.52791s0002)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14834 AhalPrx53 Araha.4881s0004  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14835 AhalPrx54 (Araha.5344s0004)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14836 AhalPrx55 (Araha.51344s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14837 AhalPrx56 Araha.30828s0009  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14838 AhalPrx57 Araha.23368s0024  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14839 AhalPrx58 Araha.39199s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14841 AhalPrx60 Araha.18948s0004  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14842 AhalPrx61 (Araha.5997s0001)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
14843 AhalPrx62 Araha.6061s0001  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase N/D Christophe Dunand
14844 AhalPrx63 (Araha.5348s0015)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
14295 AhalPrxQ01 (Araha.9743s0006)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type Q) partial Christophe Dunand
14840 AhalPrx[P]59 (Araha.2549s0013)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis halleri Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
1285 AhPrx01   Eudicotyledons Arachis hypogaea (peanut) Class III peroxidase partial Achraf Jemmat
1286 AhPrx02   Eudicotyledons Arachis hypogaea (peanut) Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
1305 AhPrx03   Eudicotyledons Arachis hypogaea (peanut) Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
4447 AhPrxII02 (AhPrxIIB)  Eudicotyledons Arachis hypogaea (peanut) Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Nicolas Rouhier
7788 AhspPxc01   Alphaproteobacteria Ahrensia sp. Bacterial peroxicin complete Marcel Zamocky
4850 AhyAhpC   Gammaproteobacteria Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. hydrophila AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
5043 AhyDiHCcP   Gammaproteobacteria Aeromonas hydrophila subsp. hydrophila Di-haem cytochrome C peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
7971 AImeEPO   Deuterostomia Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant panda) Eosinophil peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7970 AImeLPO   Deuterostomia Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant panda) Lactoperoxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7696 AImeMPO   Deuterostomia Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant panda) Myeloperoxidase complete Catherine Mathe
7610 AImePxd01   Deuterostomia Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant panda) Peroxidasin complete Catherine Mathe
7974 AImeTPO   Deuterostomia Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant panda) Thyroid peroxidase complete Catherine Mathe
12393 AimmCcP01   Ascomycota Ascobolus immersus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
12420 AimmGPx01   Ascomycota Ascobolus immersus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Nizar Fawal
13057 AinAPx (UVDC-2001259 / UVDC-2001260)  Eudicotyledons Azadirachta indica Ascorbate peroxidase complete Bruno Savelli
16333 AipaRboh01 (araip.Araip.3V48G.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis ipaensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16335 AipaRboh03 (araip.Araip.GM90H.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis ipaensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16337 AipaRboh05 (araip.Araip.JFL5M.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis ipaensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
16340 AipaRboh08 (araip.Araip.URB55.1)  Eudicotyledons Arachis ipaensis Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7336 AjoCP01 (AjoKatG1)  Gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter johnsonii Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
6300 AkmKat01   Chlamydiae/Verrucomicrobia Akkermansia muciniphila Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
11647 AlaiGPx01   Other Stramenopiles Albugo laibachii Other glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5352 AlmacCP01   Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi Algoriphagus machipongonensis Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
3828 AlMnP01_B1371   Basidiomycota Amylostereum laevigatum Manganese peroxidase partial Filippo Passardi
7468 Aly1CysPrx   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
7471 Aly2CysPrx   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
7470 Aly2CysPrx01 (Aly2CysPrxA)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
7462 AlyAPx-R   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase related complete Christophe Dunand
7516 AlyAPx01   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7517 AlyAPx02   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7519 AlyAPx03   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7518 AlyAPx04   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7525 AlyAPx05   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7515 AlyAPx06   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7514 AlyAPx07   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7523 AlyAPx23   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7524 AlyAPx23-2   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7521 AlyAPx[P]01-1   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
7522 AlyAPx[P]01-2   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
7526 AlyAPx[P]01-3   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Ascorbate peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
7464 AlyDiOx01   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Alpha-dioxygenase complete Christophe Dunand
7463 AlyDiOx02   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Alpha-dioxygenase complete Christophe Dunand
7573 AlyGPx01   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7574 AlyGPx02   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7568 AlyGPx03   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7569 AlyGPx04   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7572 AlyGPx05   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7571 AlyGPx06   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7575 AlyGPx07   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7570 AlyGPx08   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Plant glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7465 AlyKat01   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
7466 AlyKat02   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
7467 AlyKat03   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Catalase complete Christophe Dunand
7494 AlyPrx01   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7496 AlyPrx01-2   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7495 AlyPrx02   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7545 AlyPrx03   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7561 AlyPrx04   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7482 AlyPrx05   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7532 AlyPrx06   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7535 AlyPrx07   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7552 AlyPrx09   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7479 AlyPrx10   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7502 AlyPrx11   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7493 AlyPrx12   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7553 AlyPrx13   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7507 AlyPrx15   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7486 AlyPrx16   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7555 AlyPrx17 (481103)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7513 AlyPrx18   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7480 AlyPrx20   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7511 AlyPrx21   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7505 AlyPrx22   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7531 AlyPrx23   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7557 AlyPrx24   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7559 AlyPrx25   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7562 AlyPrx26   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7534 AlyPrx27   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7546 AlyPrx28   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7529 AlyPrx29   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7491 AlyPrx30   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7490 AlyPrx31   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7530 AlyPrx32   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7485 AlyPrx33   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7512 AlyPrx34-1   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7565 AlyPrx34-2   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7501 AlyPrx35   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7539 AlyPrx36 (AL5G31410)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7488 AlyPrx37   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7528 AlyPrx38-1   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7564 AlyPrx38-2   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7547 AlyPrx39   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7558 AlyPrx40   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7498 AlyPrx41   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7497 AlyPrx42 (AL7G31740)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7556 AlyPrx43   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7487 AlyPrx44-1   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7510 AlyPrx44-2   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7483 AlyPrx45   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7548 AlyPrx46   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7554 AlyPrx47   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7492 AlyPrx48   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7540 AlyPrx49 (AL7G14660)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7543 AlyPrx50   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7538 AlyPrx52   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7549 AlyPrx53   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7504 AlyPrx54   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7489 AlyPrx55   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7533 AlyPrx56-1   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7563 AlyPrx56-2   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7542 AlyPrx57   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7541 AlyPrx58   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7499 AlyPrx59   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7484 AlyPrx60   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7560 AlyPrx61   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7536 AlyPrx62   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7481 AlyPrx63   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7506 AlyPrx64   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7503 AlyPrx65   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7500 AlyPrx66   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7508 AlyPrx67   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7550 AlyPrx69   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7537 AlyPrx70   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7527 AlyPrx71   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7551 AlyPrx72 (AL8G45140)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7544 AlyPrx73   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7473 AlyPrxII02 (AlyPrxIIB)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7472 AlyPrxII03 (AlyPrxIIC)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7474 AlyPrxII05 (AlyPrxIIE)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7475 AlyPrxII06 (AlyPrxIIF)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7477 AlyPrxIIA-1   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7476 AlyPrxIIA-2   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7478 AlyPrxIIA-3   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7952 AlyPrxIIA-4   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type II) complete Christophe Dunand
7469 AlyPrxQ   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Atypical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin (type Q) complete Christophe Dunand
11255 AlyPrx[P]19   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
7567 AlyPrx[P]28   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Qiang Li
7566 AlyPrx[P]63   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
7509 AlyPrx[P]68   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Class III peroxidase theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
7581 AlyRboh01 (AlyRbohA)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7580 AlyRboh03 (AlyRbohC)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7583 AlyRboh04 (AlyRbohD)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7579 AlyRboh05 (AlyRbohE)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7584 AlyRboh06 (AlyRbohF)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7585 AlyRboh07 (AlyRbohG)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7578 AlyRboh08 (AlyRbohH)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7577 AlyRboh09 (AlyRbohI)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7576 AlyRboh10 (AlyRbohJ)  Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog complete Christophe Dunand
7582 AlyRboh[P]B   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog theoretical translation / pseudogene Christophe Dunand
7586 AlyRboh[P]G   Eudicotyledons Arabidopsis lyrata Respiratory burst oxidase homolog partial Christophe Dunand
4845 AmacAhpC (MADE_01774)  Gammaproteobacteria Alteromonas macleodii AhpC like peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
11683 AmaCcP (AMAG_12087.2)  Other Fungi Allomyces macrogynus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
7308 AmacCP01 (AmacKatG1 / MADE_01465)  Gammaproteobacteria Alteromonas macleodii Catalase peroxidase complete Marcel Zamocky
11684 AmaCcP02 (AMAG_08951.2)  Other Fungi Allomyces macrogynus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11685 AmaCcP03 (AMAG_09111.2)  Other Fungi Allomyces macrogynus Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
4811 AmacPrxGrx   Gammaproteobacteria Alteromonas macleodii PrxII-glutoredoxin fusion complete Nicolas Rouhier
13111 AmacrAPx-CcP01   Ascomycota Acephala macrosclerotiorum Hybrid Ascorbate-Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13108 AmacrCcP01   Ascomycota Acephala macrosclerotiorum Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13110 AmacrCcP02   Ascomycota Acephala macrosclerotiorum Cytochrome C peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13107 AmacrCP01   Ascomycota Acephala macrosclerotiorum Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13109 AmacrCP02   Ascomycota Acephala macrosclerotiorum Catalase peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
13118 AmacrGPx01   Ascomycota Acephala macrosclerotiorum Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
11789 AmaGPx01 (AMAG_14623)  Other Fungi Allomyces macrogynus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12474 AmaGPx02 (AMAG_14623)  Other Fungi Allomyces macrogynus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12475 AmaGPx03 (AMAG_03451)  Other Fungi Allomyces macrogynus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
12476 AmaGPx04 (AMAG_04771.2)  Other Fungi Allomyces macrogynus Fungi-Bacteria glutathione peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
5178 AmajAPx-R   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Ascorbate peroxidase related partial Christophe Dunand
13277 AmajAPx01 (TPUT-2008674 / EBOL-2007613 / XISJ-2011558)  Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Bruno Savelli
13278 AmajAPx02 (XISJ-2011537 / EBOL-2007612 / TPUT-2011887)  Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Ascorbate peroxidase family N/D Bruno Savelli
2264 AmajPrx01   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
2265 AmajPrx02   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Bruno Savelli
2270 AmajPrx03   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Achraf Jemmat
2271 AmajPrx04   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
2272 AmajPrx05   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase complete Christophe Dunand
2273 AmajPrx06   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
2275 AmajPrx08   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Achraf Jemmat
2276 AmajPrx09   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
2277 AmajPrx10   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Christophe Dunand
2278 AmajPrx11   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Achraf Jemmat
2279 AmajPrx12   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Achraf Jemmat
2280 AmajPrx13   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Achraf Jemmat
2274 AmajPrx14   Eudicotyledons Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) Class III peroxidase partial Achraf Jemmat
4941 Amar1CysPrx (PrxVI / Prdx6)  Lophotrocozoa Arenicola marina 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier
6029 AmeAhpE   Firmicutes Alkaliphilus metalliredigenes AhpE like peroxiredoxin complete Christophe Dunand
2533 AmeCP01_QYMF (katG1 / Amet_1570)  Firmicutes Alkaliphilus metalliredigenes Catalase peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
3625 AmeCP02_QYMF (KatG2)  Firmicutes Alkaliphilus metalliredigenes Catalase peroxidase complete Filippo Passardi
6279 AmeKat01   Firmicutes Alkaliphilus metalliredigenes Catalase complete Marcel Zamocky
4440 Amel1CysPrx (PrxVI)  Ecdysozoa Apis mellifera (Honey bee) 1-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Filippo Passardi
4484 Amel2CysPrx02 (PrxII)  Ecdysozoa Apis mellifera (Honey bee) Typical 2-Cysteine peroxiredoxin complete Nicolas Rouhier