Entry information : MaqDiHCcP_617
Entry ID 5023
Creation 2007-03-27 (Filippo Passardi)
Last sequence changes 2007-03-27 (Filippo Passardi)
Sequence status complete
Reviewer Marcel Zamocky
Last annotation changes 2008-05-16 (Christophe Dunand)
Peroxidase information: MaqDiHCcP_617
Name MaqDiHCcP_617
Class Di-haem cytochrome C peroxidase    [Orthogroup: DiHCcP001]
Taxonomy Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria
Organism Marinobacter aquaeolei (Pseudomonas nautica)    [TaxId: 351348 ]
Cellular localisation N/D
Tissue type N/D
Inducer N/D
Repressor N/D
Best BLASTp hits
Perox score E-value MaqDiHCcP_617
S start..stop
MaqDiHCcP_VT8 712 0 1..349 1..349
MAGspDiHCcP 501 5.23e-180 2..347 13..358
RruDiHCcP 473 4.34e-169 6..347 7..348
GsuDiHCcP01 465 1.05e-165 8..344 2..343
Literature and cross-references MaqDiHCcP_617
Literature REFERENCE 1 (crystallography)
Dias J.M., Alves T., Bonifacio C., Pereira A.S., Trincao J., Bourgeois D., Moura I., Romao M.J. Structural basis for the mechanism of Ca(2+) activation of the di-heme cytochrome c peroxidase from Pseudomonas nautica 617. Structure 12:961-973(2004).

REFERENCE 2 (DNA sequence)

Protein ref. GenPept:   CAF48428 UniProtKB:   P83787  Q5QSD8 [Mismatch]
DNA ref. GenBank:   AJ630407 (1..1050)
Protein sequence: MaqDiHCcP_617
Sequence Properties
first value : protein
second value (mature protein)
Length (aa):   %s   349 (326)
PWM (Da):   %s   37467.51 (35235.3)  
PI (pH):   %s   4.43 (4.30) Peptide Signal:   %s   cut: 24 range:24-349
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*.........1 .........2 .........3 .........4 .........5 .........6 .........7 .........8 .........9 .........0 .........1 .........2

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Remarks Genomic and crystallographic studies. Two SwissProt accessions: P83787 (crystals) and Q5QSD8 (genomic DNA), with a slightly different sequence (two amino acids). The sequence that led to scientific publication is shown (P83787). The protein is probably the same between the two accessions, as it has been sequenced by the same group.