Entry information : SYspCP01_PCC6803
Entry ID | 2479 |
Creation | 2006-08-24 (Filippo Passardi) |
Last sequence changes | 2006-08-24 (Filippo Passardi) |
Sequence status | complete |
Reviewer | Christophe Dunand |
Last annotation changes | 2007-07-13 (Marcel Zamocky) |
Peroxidase information: SYspCP01_PCC6803
Name | SYspCP01_PCC6803 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class | Catalase peroxidase [Orthogroup: CP001] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxonomy | Bacteria Cyanobacteria Synechocystis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Organism | Synechocystis sp. [TaxId: 1143 ] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cellular localisation | N/D |
Tissue type | N/D |
Inducer | N/D |
Repressor | N/D |
Best BLASTp hits |
Literature and cross-references SYspCP01_PCC6803
Literature | [1]
Ushimaru,T. Direct Submission Submitted(12-MAR-1996) [2] Kaneko,T., Sato,S., Kotani,H., Tanaka,A., Asamizu,E., Nakamura,Y., Miyajima,N., Hirosawa,M., Sugiura,M., Sasamoto,S., Kimura,T., Hosouchi,T., Matsuno,A., Muraki,A., Nakazaki,N., Naruo,K., Okumura,S., Shimpo,S., Takeuchi,C., Wada,T., Watanabe,A., Yamada,M., Yasuda,M. and Tabata,S. Sequence analysis of the genome of the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. II. Sequence determination of the entire genome and assignment of potential protein-coding regions DNA Res. 3 (3), 109-136 (1996) |
Protein ref. | UniProtKB: Q79EX5 |
DNA ref. | GenBank: 2198405 |
Protein sequence: SYspCP01_PCC6803
Sequence Properties first value : protein second value (mature protein) |
Sequence Send to BLAST Send to Peroxiscan |
Remarks | from genomic. This katG gene was used in Metalloprotein research laboratory BOKU Vienna for site-directed mutagenesis. |