Entry information : EferPrx78(Eurfer_26_g17263)
Entry ID 16822
Creation 2020-12-12 (Christophe Dunand)
Last sequence changes 2020-12-17 (Christophe Dunand)
Sequence status partial
Reviewer Not yet reviewed
Last annotation changes 2021-05-07 (Christophe Dunand)
Peroxidase information: EferPrx78(Eurfer_26_g17263)
Name EferPrx78(Eurfer_26_g17263)
Class Class III peroxidase    [Orthogroup: Prx058]
Taxonomy Viridiplantae (green plants); Streptophyta; Angiospermae; Basal Magnoliophyta
Organism Euryale ferox    [TaxId: 4414 ]
Cellular localisation N/D
Tissue type N/D
Inducer N/D
Repressor N/D
Best BLASTp hits
Perox score E-value EferPrx78
S start..stop
EferPrx125 558 0 7..327 21..312
EferPrx91 548 0 7..327 21..331
EferPrx81 494 6.45e-178 2..327 18..314
EferPrx111 492 3.09e-177 2..327 18..314
Literature and cross-references EferPrx78(Eurfer_26_g17263)
Protein sequence: EferPrx78(Eurfer_26_g17263)
Sequence Properties
first value : protein
second value (mature protein)
Length (aa):   %s   328
PWM (Da):   %s   35819.77  
PI (pH):   %s   4.74
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*.........1 .........2 .........3 .........4 .........5 .........6 .........7 .........8 .........9 .........0 .........1 .........2

Retrieve as FASTA  
Remarks Incorrect prediction, contains two Prx ORF and two extra exons in 5'. one without start and one partial (last exon, AGVHTIGERRCTNFRNYMYNESNVDGFFARTRRGKCPPTKGSGDNNLAPLDINTMNFFDNSYYKNLIAKRSLLHSDQELFNGGSTNSQVESYASNPFAFNADFVAAVIRMGDIKPLTGNNGEIRKNCRRVN*). Eurfer_26_1311344_1328361_g17263.t1_-1_CDS_2836157588_8187
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