Entry information : BabAhpD_2308 (BAB2_0532)
Entry ID | 7298 |
Creation | 2010-04-15 (Christophe Dunand) |
Last sequence changes | 2010-04-15 (Christophe Dunand) |
Sequence status | complete |
Reviewer | Marcel Zamocky |
Last annotation changes | 2010-06-21 (Marcel Zamocky) |
Peroxidase information: BabAhpD_2308 (BAB2_0532)
Name (synonym) | BabAhpD_2308 (BAB2_0532) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class | Alkylhydroperoxidase D [Orthogroup: AhpD001] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxonomy | Bacteria Proteobacteria Alphaproteobacteria Brucellaceae Brucella | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Organism | Brucella abortus [TaxId: 235 ] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cellular localisation | N/D |
Tissue type | N/D |
Inducer | N/D |
Repressor | N/D |
Best BLASTp hits |
Literature and cross-references BabAhpD_2308 (BAB2_0532)
Literature | Chain,P.S., Comerci,D.J., Tolmasky,M.E., Larimer,F.W., Malfatti,S.A., Vergez,L.M., Aguero,F., Land,M.L., Ugalde,R.A. and Garcia,E. Whole-genome analyses of speciation events in pathogenic Brucellae. Infect. Immun. 73 (12), 8353-8361 (2005). |
Protein ref. | UniProtKB: Q2YKW2 |
DNA ref. | GenBank: AM040265.1 (529598..530125) |
Protein sequence: BabAhpD_2308 (BAB2_0532)
Sequence Properties first value : protein second value (mature protein) |
Sequence Send to BLAST Send to Peroxiscan |
Remarks | Complete sequence from Genomic (chromo 2). Strain="2308". This sequence is identical with Entry ID:4605 | ||||||||||||
DNA ► Send to BLAST |