Entry information : LePrx10 (Solyc10g076240.1.1[2.3])
Entry ID 603
Creation 2005-06-14 (Christophe Dunand)
Last sequence changes 2005-06-14 (Christophe Dunand)
Sequence status complete
Reviewer Messaoudi
Last annotation changes 2014-08-22 (Messaoudi)
Peroxidase information: LePrx10 (Solyc10g076240.1.1[2.3])
Name (synonym) LePrx10 (Solyc10g076240.1.1[2.3])
Class Class III peroxidase    [Orthogroup: Prx010]
Taxonomy Eukaryota Viridiplantae Streptophyta Solanaceae Solanum
Organism Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato)    [TaxId: 4081 ]
Cellular localisation N/D
Tissue types Callus
Inducer N/D
Repressor N/D
Best BLASTp hits
Perox score E-value LePrx10
S start..stop
StPrx32 628 0 1..317 1..317
NtPrx52-1A 580 0 1..317 1..318
NtPrx89-1B 573 0 1..317 1..317
NtPrx52-1B 572 0 1..316 1..317
Literature and cross-references LePrx10 (Solyc10g076240.1.1[2.3])
Literature The Institute for Genomic Research, TIGR
Wang,C.K., Chen,P.Y., Wang,H.M.,et al, DNA microarray profiling of gene expression during tomato root development
Protein sequence: LePrx10 (Solyc10g076240.1.1[2.3])
Sequence Properties
first value : protein
second value (mature protein)
Length (aa):   %s   317 (294)
PWM (Da):   %s   35042.97 (32457.7) Transmb domain:   %s   i5-22o
PI (pH):   %s   9.97 (10.02) Peptide Signal:   %s   cut: 24 range:24-317
Send to BLAST
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*.........1 .........2 .........3 .........4 .........5 .........6 .........7 .........8 .........9 .........0 .........1 .........2

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Remarks TIGR complete sequence from 35 EST.
callus tissue, root under different developmental stages