Entry information : ZaKat01 (cat1)
Entry ID | 6263 |
Creation | 2008-07-11 (Marcel Zamocky) |
Last sequence changes | 2008-07-11 (Marcel Zamocky) |
Sequence status | complete |
Reviewer | Christophe Dunand |
Last annotation changes | 2008-07-14 (Christophe Dunand) |
Peroxidase information: ZaKat01 (cat1)
Name (synonym) | ZaKat01 (cat1) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class | Catalase [Orthogroup: Kat001] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxonomy | Eukaryota Viridiplantae Streptophyta Monocotyledons Araceae Zantedeschia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Organism | Zantedeschia aethiopica [TaxId: 69721 ] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cellular localisation | N/D |
Tissue type | Leaves |
Inducer | N/D |
Repressor | N/D |
Best BLASTp hits |
Literature and cross-references ZaKat01 (cat1)
Literature | Lino-Neto T., Piques M.C., Barbeta C., Sousa M.F., Tavares R.M., Pais M.S. Identification of Zantedeschia aethiopica Cat1 and Cat2 catalase genes and their expression analysis during spathe senescence and regreening. Plant Sci. 167:889-898(2004). |
Protein ref. | UniProtKB: Q9SDS9 |
mRNA ref. | GenBank: AF207906 |
Protein sequence: ZaKat01 (cat1)
Sequence Properties first value : protein second value (mature protein) |
Sequence Send to BLAST Send to Peroxiscan |
Remarks | Complete sequence from mRNA. |